Euler's Substitution method of integration.

integrate $\int\sqrt{x^2+1}dx$
Solution: in my previous post,i discussed about the definite integral, but today i will be solving a question of an indefinite integral using a special method known as the euler's substitution method. the function above can be integrated using the euler substitution method.
to integrate this we let
the reason is that, you take the coefficient of $x^2$ which is 1 and add a new variable to it which is lets square both sides and make $x$ the subject of formula.
&\text{differentiate x}\\
&\text{now the equation becomes}\\
&\text{subst. dx into the integral}\\
&\text{subst. (2) into (3)}\\
&\text{factor out}\ \frac{1}{8}\\
&\text{this is not where we will stop, we will have to substitute back x}\\
&\text{from eqn(1) make t subject of formula}\\
&t=\sqrt{x^2+1}-x\ \text{subst. t into first part of eqn.(4) which is}\ \frac{1}{8}(\frac{1}{t^2}-t^2)\\
&\text{take the conjugate}\\
&\text{expand the brackets}\\
&\text{expand the powers of the brackets}\\
&\text{and that is the evaluation,now subst.(5) into (4)}\\
&\text{now we need to subst. x for the second part too}\\
&\text{let}\ -\ln|t|=\ln|t^{-1}|=\ln|\frac{1}{t}|\\
&\text{and since}\ t=\sqrt{x^2+1}-x\\
&\ln|\frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2+1}-x}|\ \text{take the conjugate}\\
&\text{subst. (7) into (6)}\\
And that is it.