The cyclic group $Z_8$(integer modulo 8) has two nontrivial subgroups.

Let $G$ be a cyclic group $Z_8$ under group addition, $G=\{0,2,4,6,1,3,5,7\}$. Then the subgroups of $G$ is can be formed by the Cayley table:

For $0$
For $2$
For $4$
For $6$
For $1$
For $3$
For $5$
For $7$
Hence we can see that group has two nontrivial subgroups which are 
  1.  J={0,4}, 
  2.  H={0,2,4,6},
 where $J$ is also a subgroup of $H$.
The Cayley table for $H$ is the top-left quadrant of the Cayley table for $G$. The group $G$ is cyclic, and so are its subgroups. In general, subgroups of cyclic groups are also cyclic.